Thursday, February 13, 2025



How to feed a premature child

Here is an increase that we would have done well without. In the space of 15 years, the number of children born prematurely has...

Facebook enters the Cryptocurrency dance

Facebook is stepping into the world of virtual currency. With a project to launch Cryptocurrency planned for 2020, the final parameters of this new...

From 2-D to Fully Animated Graphic Imagination

The History of Graphics can be traced all the way back to the prehistoric man. However, this article is aimed at providing an informative...

How Science Revolutionized Food Plans

By the time the latest edition of the Atkins diet, “The New Atkins for a New You”, appeared on the New York Times best-seller...

Is Mobile Marketing the Future of E-Commerce

Not everyone realize how much money can be earned from ranking on the page one of google results for a given...

The truth about sleep and aging

Men are often unclear about the relationship between sleep and aging. Most men commonly think that the older they get the less sleep they...

Are tattoos identity markers quickly out of date

In the mid-1990s, the Maori of New Zealand got exasperated when the whole planet fell in love with their tribal designs. The beautiful season is...

Nutritional Guidelines on How to Lower Cholesterol

One of the major factors that affects cholesterol levels is dietary intake of 1) cholesterol and 2) saturated fats (as well as trans fats)....

Should you tell IVF children

Thank you science! Here is what the thousands of parents who have reached parenthood through in vitro fertilization should say. Developed by British biologist Robert...

Student Loans: Financial Aid for Economic Competition

Financial aid for economic competition, what does that mean? And what does it have to do with student loans? Well, it has a lot...


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How to Make Your Tile Look Brand New Like Epoxy

First of all you need to ask yourself, do you really want tiles on your floor, or should you opt for more modern solutions...

Best exercises for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that can affect people of all ages, but undoubtedly, with a much greater chance, the elderly. We all lose bone...

Why Global Warming is Not a Myth

Global Warming!  Two very simple words that have started a debate that is consuming the world.  Many people will argue that global warming is...

How to decipher our dreams

A dream can be funny and illogical, but it can also offer exciting insights. Here are some suggestions from research for anyone interested in...