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Home Health & Fitness How to recover following a sleepless night

How to recover following a sleepless night

Sleep allows us, among other benefits, to strengthen our immune defenses. Fatigue is the first obvious consequence following such a sleepless night, but this will also weaken your immune system. Here are our top health tips to limit such harmful effects.

What happens during a night without sleep

Spending a night without sleep can happen to all of us: because the party lasted all night, when traveling abroad, because of a baby crying all night, or even for professional reasons. After this tough night, the organism could not regenerate normally and we are in a situation of accumulation of metabolic waste.

During this time, the circadian rhythm which alternates the awakening and sleeping phases, continues, releasing certain hormones at each of the different phases.

And, to allow for a good recovery, sleep must respect this rhythm. In fact, the body produces different hormones, such as melatonin, which helps us fall asleep in the evening. Sleeping during the day therefore does not bring the same benefits as sleeping at night, and disrupts falling asleep the following night. The organism can then enter a vicious circle of phase delay or circadian rhythm shift.

What are the consequences of lack of sleep

Numerous scientific research studies on sleep have confirmed the role of sleep as a regulating and repairing element of the organism. It is when we sleep that our immune defenses are activated, our skin regenerates, that cellular repair processes take place. Sleep deprivation or a simple night with no sleep can have many consequences:

  • Lower immunity
  • Difficulty concentrating and remembering
  • Increased appetite

After the night, how to manage the lack of sleep

If such a sleepless night was occasional, you just have to adopt the right reflexes to recover quickly. For this, it is advisable in particular to:

  • Take a restful nap early in the afternoon, but no longer than 30 minutes.
  • It just alleviates the need for sleep and keeps you going until the end of the day.
  • Go to bed at a “normal” hour to start an 8 hour night and hang up the cars of the circadian rhythm.
  • Do a little physical activity for the next day, such as a simple 30-minute walk.
  • Favor a light diet rich in vitamins, especially fruits and vegetables for a good supply of vitamins and minerals.

Sleep deprivation disrupts the regulation of the hormones responsible for feeling hungry and full. During the following day, even if the desires will go by default towards fatty and sweeter foods.

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